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Any production in the course of its activities generates simply enormous amounts of waste, many of which are not just a potential, but a clear threat to the environment and human health. Dangerous industries are:
— medical facilities and laboratories: in the course of their work, they form waste containing dangerous infections and toxins, which means that their spread can lead to an outbreak of the epidemic;
— agricultural enterprises: various poultry farms, meat processing plants and livestock production form large amounts of biological waste, which in the process of decomposition become an excellent environment for pathogens and viruses;
— utilities: they use large industrial furnaces to burn household waste;
— oil refining companies: as a result of their work, oil sludge is formed, which pose a potential threat to the environment.
The list of productions where it is possible to use incinerator installation is not limited only to these enterprises. This equipment is characterized by a huge range of actions and has a positive conclusion of environmental expertise for the disposal of more than 1300 types of waste.
And most importantly, the operation of incinerators does not require specific skills and long-term training: employees who will serve the device, you just need instruction on safety and use of equipment.
Incinerator operation is almost completely automated, which minimizes the human factor. The recycling process consists of the following stages:
— Loading of waste into the chamber and its combustion: in this chamber and the process of incineration of waste. At temperatures up to 1100 degrees Celsius, the total volume of unsuitable materials is reduced to 20 times, leaving no more than 5% sterile ash.
— Cooling of incinerator and ash residue. Be sure to wait until this process is complete.
— Unloading of ash residue. This should be done delicately, so as not to damage the lining refractory layer of the loading tank.
As you can see, the incinerator for waste disposal is simple, but effective, which makes its use extremely relevant for any production that produces large amounts of garbage.